Saturday, May 17, 2008

Long-Term Care & HCBS Internet Information

Today I'm writing about something I mentioned in another POST--that information on the internet about long-term care and home and community-based services tends to be unavailable, overly technical, or geared toward financial risk planning tools for spouses and children. A fairly new example of this is LIFE FOUNDATION's Website at Although I didn't read every word, it is a lively and inviting website with real-life stories and calculators to assess a person's need for disability, long-term care and life insurance. I was particularly interested in what they call the "Human Life Value" calculator. The descriptive language was clear about saying it represented ONLY the financial impact of disability or death on a person's spouse or other words insuring against loss of income. Again, I think the website was engaging but something rubs me the wrong way with calling the tool a "Human Life Value" calculator. They may want to re-evaluate that to maybe "Income Risk" or some other more concrete description of what is being insured. Another suggestion is for these financial vehicle sales sites to more actively link to social service and medical information that more completely educates about the multi-layers of impact that chronic illness, disability, trauma or death have on a family. These sites, however tactful and well designed they are, are sill selling financial planning tools and insurance policies. Insurance sales has been by default, the family's nearest counselor PRIOR to a major life event. It's time to give consumers a more accurate and complete information about the multi-dimensional view of what happens when there is a major life event and when a family member needs medical, social AND financial help. Granted, these scenarios almost defy any attempt at generalizing one story's lessons to another person's need. That being said, people need to share their stories not so they become sales tools for insurance agents, but to educate other consumers how to put together the whole package: access to health care, a team of home and community-based service providers (home health, therapies, training, labs, etc.), social supports (maintaining relationships with family and friends), psychological (reconciling with the need for help from others), spiritual (remaining connected with belief systems), housing (change or maintain residence in light of needs and finances, transportation (drive or mass transit options based on needs), education (need for retraining or refreshing skills), arts, culture and hobbies (to have an interest beyond oneself), communications (depends on impact to vision, hearing, etc) and all the unique features of maintaining the highest level of function and independence possible in light of disability or death of a family member. Insuring against financial risk is only one piece of a multi-dimensional picture of "Human Life Value." Addressing this complex picture for consumers is what this BLOG is about.

Please note that this is general commentary and not a grievance about the one site that is mentioned in this BLOG. The named site is inviting and language seems to describe accurately the purpose of educating about financial risk of disability and death to the prime income earner in a family.

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