Thursday, May 8, 2008

Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual & Transgender Issues with Aging and Disability

On a recent vacation in Palm Springs, CA I had the pleasure of meeting with some delightful people involved with a Senior Center that welcoms gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender (GLBT) folks. Being forever naive to life's twists and turns, I presumed incorrectly that aging and disability invoked somewhat universal issues across the board. I neglected to recognize that as people age and are disabled, there is still stereo-typing and ignorance to deal with in addition to seeking the supportive services a person needs. One concept that helped to open my eyes is the fact that while a person's circle of informal supports often sets the pace for receiving services in the community as we age, GLBT folks often have had to piece together that informal network over the years due to the sad fact that biological families have not accepted who they are and family ties have been strained or broken. A GLBT friendly senior center takes on new and multi-dimensional importance. GLBT senior housing becomes even more important to create the warm and welcoming home...a place to just "BE" that many people take for granted. Somehow living with disability or aging with limitations hits us over the head to appreciate the small things in life, like a hug, a wonderful meal with friends, expressing love and all the things that characterize a home. Why should anyone have to censor joy, pleasure of life and love especially in the senior years?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a product and service called ER Card, an electronic personal health record program on a USB flash drive device. The ER Card allows users to electronically manage, store and carry their personal medical information with them at all times and is the only medical flash drive that syncs with the ER Card online personal health record. It is ideal for active seniors, unmarried life partners and same-sex couples. It allows users to document advance medical directives, durable power of attorney for healthcare, etc. and attach those documents to the record. Please visit for more information. Thank you.